Why Therapy?
Therapies include a wide range of tools, services and teaching methods you may choose to use to help your child reach his or her potential. Therapy helps creating the bond between the parents and the children to understand each other well. It acts a bridge through which the communication and training start.
Various Benefits of Therapy are:
Role Modelling
The peer modeling procedure produced rapid achievement of the acquisition criterion which was maintained after the peer models were removed. These results are discussed in relation to issues concerning observational learning and in relation to the implications for mainstreaming autistic children into normal classrooms.
Physio Therapy
Children with autism frequently have challenges with motor skills such as sitting, walking, running or jumping. PT can address poor muscle tone, balance and coordination. A physical therapist will start by evaluating the developmental level and abilities of the child.
Occupational Therapy
Young adults with Autism, Aspergers Syndrome may face challenges with social interaction, impaired motor skills, sensory processing issues, repetitive patterns of behavior and intensely focused interests, all of which might interfere with their ability to complete activities of daily living (ADL) in a manner similar to their peers. Increased awareness and knowledge about Syndrome has opened many avenues to help individuals with Aspergers Syndrome adjust to life�€�s demands. One such avenue is occupational therapy. Occupational therapy may help people with autism and Syndrome develops these skills at home and in scho
Strategic Thinking
Communication encompasses a broad range of challenges for individuals with autism, from intake and processing of information, verbal or representational output, to reading and writing skills. Picking up on non-verbal cues, body language and subtle intent, intonation, and interpretation are also difficult for individuals with autism.
Social Interacting
Participation in the community can be enhanced through improvement in the social skills of individuals with autism. Individuals with autism have to learn the social skills that come much more naturally to their peers. How do we help our family members with autism benefit from community participation and social interactions?
Play Way Method
The children generalized their play to new toys, environments, and play partners and continued to engage in symbolic play behavior after a 3-month follow-up period. In addition, interaction skills improved after training. Treatment implications for these findings are discussed.
Sensory Based Training
Sensory reactivity of children with developmental delays was comparable to mental age�€“matched typically developing toddlers. Correlational analyses indicated that neither overall developmental level nor IQ was related to abnormal sensory reactivity in children with autism or general developmental disorders. However, abnormal sensory reactivity had a significant relationship with overall adaptive behavior. Movement or motion, including both fine and gross motor skills, or related to sensory system/sensory functioning. … Antecedent-based intervention (ABI … playing or practice, and feedback to help learners with ASD acquire and practice communication, play, or social skills to promote.
Speech and Language Development
While this is the question uppermost on the minds of parents, it is difficult to answer this with certainty. However, there are certain factors that indicate a favorable outcome
1. The age at which intervention was initiated; the earlier, the better.
2. The severity of the autism.
3. The degree of oromotor involvement.
4. Co-morbidity (difficulties in addition to Autism).
5. A degree of parental involvement.
Basic Hygiene
These behaviors were primarily related to dressing oneself, grooming behavior, and personal hygiene.. Learning self-help skills — eating, dressing, toileting, and personal hygiene — can be challenging for people with … describes a systematic approach that parents (and educators).
Conginitive Development
“Parents and clinicians already know that the behavioral signs of ASD wax and wane throughout development,” notes Elizabeth Pellicano, senior lecturer of autism education at the Institute of Education in London, who carried out the study. “What we know a lot less about is how the cognitive skills of children with ASD change over time.
Expressive Language
This is the earliest emerging language function where the child uses communication to regulate his physical needs.
Receptive Language
The findings indicated that verbal IQ and receptive language scores had improved significantly more in the Autism group than in the Language group over time. Moreover, although the Language group was less severely impaired in their social use of language, many showed a number of abnormal features in this domain.
Grasping Power
Sensory-motor development and performance of daily living skills (DLS) remain little explored in children with autism spectrum disorders (ASD).
Executive tasks typically contain a proponent lure. We try to locate difficulties with acting on the basis arbitrary rules in relation to more mainstream ideas about autistic executive dysfunction.